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Showing posts from August, 2022

Different Types Of Sexual Disorders In Females!

Sexual health holds a lot of importance, and the  Lady gynecologist in Thane   is providing the patients with excellent quality treatment for all types of sexual disorders. Today, in this blog, we are going to shed some light on different types of sexual issues, so if you want to gain insights about it, then keep on reading the upcoming paragraphs.  Lady gynecologist in Thane Different Types Of Sexual Issues Among Women  Anorgasmia:  It is an orgasmic disorder or inability to have an orgasm  Dyspareunia:  It is a condition when the female feels a lot of pain during intercourse Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder:  It is a condition where the female suffers from low libido or lack of sexual desire.  Sexual Arousal Disorder:  It is categorized as a condition in which the female finds it difficult to be aroused.  If you or anyone you know is suffering from any of these problems, then you don’t h...

Symptoms Of Gynecological Disorders! Here Is The Result-Driven Treatment Provider

These days, gynecological issues have become common among females, and it is essential for females to get their checkups done every once or twice a year to monitor the changes within the body. Dr. Vidya, is one of the  Best Gynecologists in Thane ,  as she is providing individuals with excellent quality gynecological treatment at affordable prices. It is an assurance that you won’t be disappointed with her treatment at all because she always does everything according to the medical guidelines, and the health of the patient. Today, in this blog, we are going to shed some light on the symptoms of gynecological issues, so if you want to know about it, then keep on reading the upcoming paragraphs.  Best Gynecologist in Thane Symptoms of Gynecological Issues  Bleeding in between the two periods cycle Recurrent urge to urinate throughout the day Burning Sensation while urinating Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding  Bleeding after menopause...